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Feb 13 min read
Seniors Playing Cards Sparks Controversy
Explore why 'Seniors Playing Cards' sparks controversy. The debate on Seniors Playing Cards in shared spaces and its impact on community

Jan 263 min read
The Secret to Handling Stress – Live to 100
National Geographic says people over 100 handle stress better than younger people. A lighthearted look at stress and age

Jan 53 min read
New Tricks
In the British TV series “New Tricks” retired detectives investigate unsolved crimes. The name says, “Yes, retirees can learn new tricks"!

Nov 2, 20243 min read
My Daughter Thinks She's My Mother
One night at dinner my friend lamented, “My daughter thinks she’s my mother. She criticizes everything I wear. I didn't ask for her advice.

Oct 6, 20243 min read
Pills and Commercials - the Funny Side of Aging
You know you're getting old when your pill bottles start taking over your coffee cup shelf. Looking at aspects of aging.

Jul 13, 20244 min read
Downsizing Debacles
Funny thing about downsizing. You think you've done a good job, only to find out you still have too much stuff and regret losing some stuff

Jul 7, 20244 min read
Am I getting lazier or smarter?
Am I getting lazier? Or is that what retirement is all about? Kicking back and enjoying your life after decades of working?

Jun 29, 20244 min read
The Battle of the Bulge: Senior Edition
When do I get to be bad? Dive into sugars without a care? Gobble up samples in the store like the woman in the poem Warning>

Jun 15, 20244 min read
Things that go Squawk in the Night
It's bad enough that seniors awaken during the night with pains and full bladders. We don't need squawking birds to add to our sleeplessness

May 25, 20244 min read
Brain Dump: Why I Forget Names but Remember Nonsense
When I remember words to become better at a word game is my brain forgetting important stuff like names to make way for the new memory?

May 19, 20243 min read
Visualize the Future You: Fun or Fright?
My inbox had an email titled Visualize future versions of you: 5, 10, 30 plus years out. (1) I'm not keen on picturing myself in 30 years.

May 12, 20244 min read
The Search for a Butt-friendly Recliner
Our recliners are getting to be a pain in the butt. Literally. As we age, our furniture choices have switched from style to comfort

Apr 21, 20244 min read
Lost in Translation: Navigating Generational Catchphrases
We all use phrases from TV or movies such as in the Capital One commercial “What’s in your wallet?” Catchphrases are part of the common...

Apr 7, 20244 min read
Demystifying Senior Living
Recently our community held a seminar: ‘Demystifying Senior Living’. I wondered why people thought senior living was mystifying.

Mar 24, 20244 min read
What? The Most Common Word for Hearing-Challenged People
In senior communities, you’re bound to bump into hearing-challenged people. Sometimes literally - they don't hear you coming!

Mar 17, 20244 min read
Eek-y-creaky Body and Mystery Maladies
This morning when I got up, my body was as stiff as an ironing board. Is this what old age is? Stiff bodies and Mystery Maladies?

Mar 10, 20244 min read
Dementia Distress - A Watchface Worrywart
Every time I forget something I ask myself, “Is this the first sign of dementia? In a senior community, it's a common worry.

Jan 21, 20244 min read
You Need a Thicker Skin
In my youth, mom told me, “You need thicker skin.” It was a metaphor. Now that I'm older it's not a metaphor - it's reality.

Jan 7, 20244 min read
The Oldest Thing in Your House
A Facebook post asked, “What’s the oldest thing in your house?” A lot of us jest, “Me.” But many people own things older than themselves.

Dec 31, 20234 min read
Losing Things: Lost in (a Small) Space
It’s so frustrating to lose things, especially things you had in your hands moments ago.
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